
flying-kiwi - 2005-02-09 22:06:55
You definitely read as wired! :o) And I read to the end of whatever I'm reading, and I'm pretty sure you're other friends at D-Land would too, so you should just type. Hang in there, it won't be long and you'll not be wearing a tie!
Ian - 2005-02-10 02:55:02
I always read to the end! I'm not surprised your nervous after being so long in your last job (and post the link to the new uniforms once you've left for good - I wanna see them!) but I think you'll be fine. Keep us posted!!
Chris - 2005-02-10 03:01:16
Ditto above. I read to the end too. It's your diary, you should write whatever you want, no matter how long it is! Congrats on the new job, I'm glad you're excited! **HUGS!!**
Thom - 2005-02-10 07:30:43
I read to the end as well - although I sent you that last email before I read this entry at all!
Kat - 2005-02-10 17:04:03
i guess I always figured you worked for Delta, being in ATL and all. :)

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