
Cathy - 2003-08-07 01:19:41
I am sorry I touched on a particularly sore subject. But being black and gay isn't as rare as you might think. 2 of my closest buddies are gay. One is black. I am the type blind to color though. Most aren't. If you can ever make it out to Orlando the Parliment House could set your mind at ease. They are real life everday homosexual people. I go there almost ever other Sunday. Its great. People are kind and courteous. Ethnic is so diverse and most don't have blonde hair and washboard stmachs. I think you buy into that cliche a little too much. I know I donot have a superior knowledge on this. But what I see I say. Kinda a bad habit. Here in Orlando things are really different. I admit America is taking steps backwards and its unfortunate. But you may find peace here. It is a low scale L.A. lol. Seriously P-House is dedicated to showing how normal homosexuals are. It does a pretty good job of it too. You mingle and meet people quite like yourself. Everyone is unsure of who they are. Hell I am the icon of that.But its important to become comfortable with yourself. I have came to terms with the fact I am a nut lost in unrequited love. I have accepted it.You will find you niche. But I hope its sooner than later. Self-doubt is the worse condition to have.
mea - 2003-08-07 13:51:45
hey :-). i think cathy has said it all, but i'm going to add my two you need to give a hearty 'fuck ya' to the attitudes pervasive in magazine culture. don't read the magazine for a while, give your mind a little break.

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