
Loren - 2003-01-26 11:54:24
I just came across your journal for the first time today. Wow, what an incredible first entry to read. I found it heartbreaking. Being your average white heterosexual female, I have never really faced any kind of discrimination, so keep in mind my responce is coming from a person who has never personally had to deal with these problems, so take it with a grain of salt. It seems to me, that by choosing between two parts of your self to be first, is in fact helping to keep the whole problem going. There's several kinds of people in the world. The kind of people who are ignorant and have biasts towards others for reasons that if the whole world were blind would not exist. Other kinds of people harbor no ill will towards people that are 'different' from them, but at the same time want to be accepted by the first kind of people. So in areas of their life, they will be friends and companions to everyone, but when the first kind of people come around, they allow themselves to be cowed and pressured. They themselves do not hate, but are too cowardly to stand up against what they know is wrong. Then there are the kinds of people who say to hell with what the others think, I want to be friends with people cause they are such fucking awesome people, not because other people approve of them. If this person sees that a particular club has an adverse reaction to one of his friends due to unfair biasts, they won't say 'Gee, would you mind not coming here with me anymore?' no, they'll say 'screw this place, lets go find somewhere we can both be ourselves and loved for it'. I don't think you should be asking the question 'what person should I be, gay or black?' you shouldn't need to answer a question like that. The real question is, what KIND of person do I want to be, prejudiced, cowardly, or brave? And what kind of person should I be spending my time and efforts with? Obviously not those who hate you, so really it's a question of those who like you, but are too scared to stand up for you, or those who like you, and are willing to stand up against crappy behavior and say this kind of mistreatment just isn't gonna fly. The world would never get any better if there were only the prejudiced and cowardly populating it. It takes the brave people to make the changes for the better. But this is just a silly little girl's take on things, and I could be wrong. Anyway, I hope this helps, if not, I hope someday you find your answer. -Loren the Ankou

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